NAP 2019 FloorAbout NAP

The National Association of Parliamentarians® (NAP) serves the needs of today’s parliamentarians and those interested in learning about parliamentary procedure.

NAP’s goals are to:

  • encourage its members and the general public to learn the principles and practice of democratic decision-making;
  • help teachers instruct people of all ages—from public and private school students to active professionals to retirees involved in their communities—in parliamentary procedure;
  • promote collaboration and professional development among parliamentarians; and
  • provide widely recognized, authoritative accreditation of parliamentarians.

NAP has a membership of nearly 4,000 parliamentarians throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad. Among NAP’s members are Professional Registered Parliamentarians, accredited as meeting the highest level of proficiency in the practice of parliamentary procedure.

NAP also works in a partnership with several youth organizations to prepare future leaders.
