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Welcome to New Mexico Parliamentarians!

Promoting Effective Meeting Management

NMSAP was organized and chartered in July, 1965. The mission of the Association is to promote the following purposes of the National Association of ParliamentariansĀ®.

  • to study, teach, promote, and disseminate the philosophy and principles underlying the rules of deliberative assemblies.
  • to further the growing interest in parliamentary rules in both public and private schools.
  • to bring into closer cooperation the parliamentarians throughout the world.


The members live in all areas of New Mexico and come from varied backgrounds; they participate in a wide range of local, state, and national organizations. Each has a sincere interest in gaining knowledge of rules and procedures that can help to make for effective and productive meetings.

All members of the New Mexico State Association of Parliamentarians are also members of the National Association of ParliamentariansĀ®. Each can also be a member of one or more of the local Units or, if they live great distances from the location of Units, they are Members-at-Large.
Membership in a local Unit gives each the opportunity to meet regularly with others to increase their knowledge of specific rules and procedures.

NMSAP Meetings

The NMSAP Board of Directors holds a meeting each fall to begin plans for the Annual Meeting. The Board holds another meeting preceding the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is held in March or April. A public seminar is offered the second day of the Annual Meeting.